
Here are the assignments I've completed for my courses:

Assignment 0

In this assignment, I wrote a python script that adds two numbers together and prints their sum to the command line.

GitHub Link

Assignment 1

In this assignment, I collected and analyzed the elevator data.

GitHub Link

Assignment 2


In this assignment, I developed an interactive web application that demonstrates the KMeans clustering algorithm using various initialization methods..

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Assignment 3

In this assignment, I inmplemented the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm from scratch.

GitHub Link

Assignment 4


In this assignment, I developed an interactive web application that implements a basic search engine using Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA).

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Assignment 5

In this assignment, I implemented a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model from scratch to predict customer churn for a bank.

GitHub Link


In this midterm, I implemented a random forest model to predict viewers' rating on films.

GitHub Link

Assignment 6

In this assignment, I explored the impact of changing parameters on linear regression.

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Assignment 7

In this assignment, I extended my previous work from Assignment 6 to include hypothesis testing and confidence intervals through simulations.

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Assignment 8

In this assignment, I explored the effect of shifting clusters in a dataset on the parameters of a logistic regression model.

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Assignment 9

In this assignment, I implemented and analyzed a simple neural network by visualizing its learned features, decision boundary, and gradients.

GitHub Link

Demo Video

Extra credit

In this competetion, I developed a predictive model to identify potentially fraudulent transactions using various machine learning algorithms.

GitHub Link